
Ensuring a peaceful and dignified farewell for your beloved pet.

The loss of a pet can be difficult, especially when they are loved just like any other family member. Even when your pet has been sick for a while, it doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye. Our veterinary team will support you with trusted medical advice to help you in your decision to end your pet’s life peacefully.

Is euthanasia the right choice for my pet?

Ultimately, you and your family are the only ones who know what’s best for your pet. You spend the most time with them and can assess how their health or injury is affecting their quality of life. Before you decide to euthanize your pet, our veterinary team will evaluate your pet’s current medical condition and present all possible options to you. We’ll also go through the quality of life scale with you to help you assess how illness impacts your pet daily. The scale typically includes questions about your pet’s:

  • Ability to do basic things without your help, like walk or stand
  • Pain level, including whining, crying etc.
  • Medical condition
  • Ability to breathe, including coughing, wheezing
  • Hygiene
  • Eating/drinking

What happens when my pet is euthanized?

Euthanasia involves giving your pet a sedative, followed by a euthanasia solution (seizure-inducing medication) that stops their brain and lungs, allowing them to transition peacefully. The sedative is either administered in the muscle or under the skin, making your pet unconscious. When the euthanasia medication is given, pets rarely have side effects. However, you could notice twitching or taking a last breath as their body starts shutting down. The process only takes a matter of moments, and your pet won’t feel any pain.

What support can you provide as I grieve my pet?

Grieving looks different from person to person, and we’ll do our best to honour your process. Our team is available to listen and answer any questions you may have. We also work with a registered social worker specializing in grief support for over 15 years. She is available for a complimentary telephone consultation if you or someone you know may need extra support dealing with the loss of your pet.

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